Frequently Asked Questions
Below you’ll find answers to FAQs on acoustics. We can provide advice on sound, covering every environment, whether external noise or internal. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact us, we’d be delighted to help.
Am I ready for a sound test?
The site needs to be completed and unfurnished. If you’ve fitted a concrete floor testing can be carried out on a permanently bonded soft floor covering. Timber floors have to be tested on the naked structure. Your order confirmation will come complete with a checklist for you to tick and sign.
What if I only have 110 volt on site?
We can still carry out the sound test but we will require advance notice to ensure the correct equipment is brought to site.
Do I need doors and windows on?
Yes, all internal and external doors must be in place, fitted with correct furniture and be closable. Windows will also have to be closable and fitted with all surrounds.
Prior to Testing
Do I have to inform my neighbours of the testing?
We recommend that if their building is attached in any way that they be informed as they are likely to hear the test due to the excessive noise levels generated.
Can I get advice and piece of mind prior to construction?
We offer a complete start to finish one stop shop service with advice and guidance given along the way.
How do I know what needs testing?
We will advise you on the day or prior to testing which rooms should be tested. We will select them at random to ensure a complete impartial service. Alternatively the Building Control Officer may have already selected the rooms that need testing so check with them first.
During the Tests
What is sound testing?
Airborne Sound Tests are carried out by generating a broad frequency spectrum of pink noise. Levels are recorded in both the source and receiving rooms together with the receiving rooms reverberation time and test corresponding background noise level. From this a DnT’w + Ctr dB value is evaluated and compared with the relevant standards.
Impact tests are carried out using a tapper machine which is placed on the floor above and activated and receiving room levels together with the receiving rooms reverberation time and test corresponding background noise level are recorded. From this an LnT’w dB value is evaluated and compared with the relevant standards.
Can we continue working on site?
Yes, although you would have been made aware from the order confirmation that the site may need to be quiet during certain sections of the testing. This may involve asking people to stop working from time to time.
Can you test out of hours or at the weekends?
On larger developments we actually prefer to work out of hours say 4pm – 11pm as with uninterrupted access we can achieve a lot more and save you money.
What happens if I fail?
Under the requirements of Building Regulations Approved Document E you are required to carry out remedial works to ensure the development meets the requirements stated. We can guide you through this process with our investigation software and achieve the required pass.
How long will you be on site?
This is solely dependant on the number of tests required and ease of access. The test procedure we use has been approved and authenticated by UKAS and therefore is more stringent than others ensuring reliable and accurate results.
After the Tests
Will I get the results on the day?
No, the results need to be calculated on our system and the certificates generated. You will receive the full report complete with certificates within 5 – 7 working days of your test.
Can you e-mail the report to me?
Yes, the completed signed report can be e-mailed to save time.
Will I understand the report?
The technical reports are written in such a way to ensure a medium between client understanding and technical content for Building Control. The report stipulates each test carried out, the pass requirement and the individual structure result achieved.
General Sound Testing Questions
Since when has sound testing been mandatory?
Pre-completion Testing came into force on 1st July 2003 for rooms for residential purposes and houses and flats formed by material change of use. New build development requirements for sound testing came into force on 1st July 2004. In addition, Robust Standard Details came in force on 1st July 2004 as an alternative to sound testing.
Are detached properties tested?
What exactly do you test?
The purpose of this test is to indicate the sound attenuation between two adjoining residential or commercial premises. Internal floors and walls are not required to be tested.
Can I observe the sound test?
Unfortunately not, during the official test there are stringent rules governing the presence of personnel within various rooms. However, before receiver levels are recorded we will be happy to allow you into the room to witness the effect through the structure.
Should I use a non accredited company?
Certainly not. Would you risk your money with a non qualified financial advisor? Or your electrical systems with a non certified electrician? Of course not so please don’t take the risk. We would suggest only using UKAS accredited companies as your best option.